There are 29 church towers in West Oxfordshire, 25 of which have ringable bells

Bell ringers practice one night a week, usually between the hours of 7:30 pm – 9:00pm, when we learn how to ring up bells, ring call changes, ring methods, ring them down, and then adjourn to the pub! We also ring the bells for Sunday services at the churches where we practice, usually just the main Sunday service, but also for special occasions like Easter, Christmas, and New Year. We have annual tower dinners and outings, and branch outings to other parts of the country.

Some of us attend the services, some don’t, and you do not have to be a member of the congregation to ring the bells at a particular church. In fact, bell ringing is a truly international hobby as ringers are welcomed at most towers all over the world, in countries as far apart as France, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and Canada.

How it works

Bell Ringing

Bell ringing is a sociable hobby, where people from 9 to 90 meet to make the wonderful music of English full circle change ringing. Instead of the clamorous clashing of bells you hear outside the United Kingdom, change ringing is precise and musical and part of the unique soundtrack of our nations.



The Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers (ODG)


Association of Ringing Teachers (ART)

Teaching teachers and running bell ringing courses                                                              



The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers                                                                                                                 


The Ringing World

The Ringing World is a weekly magazine produced by ringers, for ringers, about ringers and bell ringing.


Doves Guide

A Guide to Towers throughout the World with Bells used for Change Ringing.


Change Ringing Toolkit

Diagrams for the majority of CCCBR library of methods at Stages; Minimus, Doubles, Minor, Triples and Major


Learning to safely control a lump of metal with a flexible rope is a bit like learning to ride a bike. Frustrating but worth the effort!


Learning to be conducted by the ringing master, and learning to listen to the note of your own bell amongst the music is key!


Leave all the troubles of the day at the tower door, as you will have to concentrate 100% on your ringing!

The secret of success

Learners can be handling a bell safely after only a few lessons. If you catch the bug, you will never stop learning!

Andy Christchurch Priory

Join us! It will only take a minute

Our Committee

Hazel Haworth

Hazel Haworth


Andrew Goldthorpe

Andrew Goldthorpe

Hon. Secretary

Richard Law

Richard Law

Hon. Treasurer

Richard White

Richard White

Ringing Master

Anthony Williamson

Deputy Ringing Master


Assistant Secretary

Richard Law

Richard Law

Branch Representative

Andrew Goldthorpe

Andrew Goldthorpe



Branch Representative


Social Secretary


Health & Safety



Ringer testimonials

Some of the things people love about ringing

It gets me out of the house in the evening and is a great stress reliever. You have to concentrate on your ringing or it is easy to go wrong, so you leave all your troubles at the tower door.

Witney Ringer

Ringing is one of the cheapest hobbies you can imagine! It costs just £8 per year to join the branch and Guild, and you get to play the original “heavy metal”!                                        

woodstock ringer

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