Ringing at St Peter, Alvescot

6 bells (9-0-20). Ground floor.

OX18 2PT. (Locate using  Google Map or  OS Map or  OpenStreetMap)

Practice: Tuesday 19:30 – 21:00.

Sunday: No Sunday ringing.

About us

St Peter, Alvescot

St Peter’s church celebrated its 900 year centenary in 2010.

Although some of the church building is 900 years old the site is likely to have been a place of worship for longer than this.

Our small village church is cruciform in shape with a west tower. It is built of coursed limestone rubble with a Cotswold slate roof. In the bell tower, which was added in the 15th century, we are fortunate to have six fine bells, four dating from 1700s, one from 1859 and the last bell was donated in 1985.

The church was subject to major renovation in the 19th century when the roof was raised, a vestry built, pews inserted and some window glass replaced. The church looks today much the same as it has for the past hundred years.

The carved stone font dates from 13th century and is a century older than the altar stone. There are two large clear windows with diamond shaped panes, and four lovely stained glass windows. Two of these in the south transept were designed by Burne-Jones and depict the Three Graces and Christ the Sower and Ruth the Reaper. In the north transept is a window depicting the virgin and child set in an small lancet window. Above the altar is a large stained glass window depicting the Resurrection.

The churchyard is a beautiful, calm area. We have a conservation plan to nurture and care for the plants and animals there. There are tombs dating back to the 17th century and more recent graves which are visited regularly.

About us

Details and inscriptions of the bells


3-3-20 c.w.t.

Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd


2 (E):

5-0-8 c.w.t.

Abraham II Rudhall


3 (D):

4-3-26 c.w.t.

George Mears


About us

Details and inscriptions of the bells

4 (C♯):

5-3-0 c.w.t.

Robert & James Wells


5 (B):

7-0-26 c.w.t.

Abraham II Rudhall


Tenor (A):

9-0-20 c.w.t.

Abraham II Rudhall


Alvescot Gallery

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