

The first quarter peal in over a century was recently rung on the newly re-hung and augmented bells at Broadwell.


On Saturday 21st we rang a quarter peal at West Hanney which was a celebration of the life of Geoffrey Rowse. Several members of the Rowse family were on hand to listen to our ringing, the band being […]


Successful first Superlative Quarter Peal for Freeland ringers Freeland ringers Michael Probert and Neil Ephgrave were successful in their first Superlative Quarter Peal held at Witney this morning. It was also a fine way for Michael to celebrate […]


Witney hosted a successful first Bob Minor inside quarter peal for Ducklington ringers Hannah Tayler and Peter Osborne. They can now return to Oz for another summer down under with one more inside method under their belts! Band […]


An 80th birthday compliment to The Right Honourable The Baroness Cox of Queensbury, ringer at St Mary’s Witney. Bell Board
Letter from Branch Chair, Robert Walton Thanksgiving Quarter Peal Derek West Thanksgiving Quarter Peal  


Quarter peal rung at Witney The band from left to right: Andrew Goldthorpe; Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (C); Neil R Ephgrave; Michael Probert; Terence J Hester; Jordan Wells.