
Sad news. Ron Burgess recently passed away.
Branch 6-Bell Striking Competition – 8th June 2024 The competing teams were superbly hosted by Lawrence Clarke at Black Bourton, with David Harding providing the technical support, and the weather played its part, keeping warm and sunny all […]


Bells that still ring – Radio 4 (iPlayer) Laura Barton’s Notes on Music – Ep. 2: Bells  


Witney Ringing Society has launched a JustGiving page. More details can be found at this link –


Useful links and suggestions. Getting fit for ringing – article in Ringing World 24th May 2019 There is a webinar on the St Martin’s Guild website at Video from the Peterborough Guild at the end of […]


This notice appeared yesterday on the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers’ website: What the Church is expecting is tolling of a single bell during the hour before the funeral, which starts with a minute’s silence at 3pm […]


The CCCBR has just issued guidance in the following link: Easter Sunday ringing – CCCBR


Welcome to the new Witney and Woodstock branch website. This is our first post and we are letting you know that the site is under construction. The webmaster is transferring as much of the content from old website […]


On Saturday 21st we rang a quarter peal at West Hanney which was a celebration of the life of Geoffrey Rowse. Several members of the Rowse family were on hand to listen to our ringing, the band being […]


A busy day ringing for remembrance, starting with half muffled tolling of the tenor for the 11:00 outdoors service. However, the highlight was the Ringing for Peace performance tonight of the 8 air cadets we have been teaching […]