
The CCCBR has just issued guidance in the following link: Easter Sunday ringing – CCCBR


ART has issued some helpful guidance on returning to ringing in their newsletter which can be found at this link: Survival_Recovery_Newsheet_Issue_4.pdf (


The CCCBR has just published the latest guidance at this link. Roadmap to Ringing Resumption – CCCBR


Welcome to the new Witney and Woodstock branch website. This is our first post and we are letting you know that the site is under construction. The webmaster is transferring as much of the content from old website […]


On Saturday 21st we rang a quarter peal at West Hanney which was a celebration of the life of Geoffrey Rowse. Several members of the Rowse family were on hand to listen to our ringing, the band being […]


Marysia Hermaszewska reports on the July 2019 Ducklington outing to Worcester. A lesson in tolerating your own incompetence Every year, the bellringers of St Bartholomew’s, Ducklington, organise an outing in order to ring in towers unfamiliar to them. […]
Freeland won the Call Changes competition and North Leigh won the Method competition on a fine June evening. Anthony, Jean and the team put on a splendid barbecue.


A busy day ringing for remembrance, starting with half muffled tolling of the tenor for the 11:00 outdoors service. However, the highlight was the Ringing for Peace performance tonight of the 8 air cadets we have been teaching […]


Successful first Superlative Quarter Peal for Freeland ringers Freeland ringers Michael Probert and Neil Ephgrave were successful in their first Superlative Quarter Peal held at Witney this morning. It was also a fine way for Michael to celebrate […]