
A large turnout for a fascinating day with lots of practical activities. Credit goes to Tony Crabtree and Anthony Willamson for a very well organised and attended Towers & Belfries course. The day’s events were hosted by Lower […]


Thanks to Michael Probert for organising another enjoyable outing


Witney hosted a successful first Bob Minor inside quarter peal for Ducklington ringers Hannah Tayler and Peter Osborne. They can now return to Oz for another summer down under with one more inside method under their belts! Band […]


A peal of Grandsire Triples was rung today at Witney to celebrate the 775th Witney Feast. With apologies for a the dreadful pun in the title, the peal was rung following the re-dedication of St Mary’s this morning on […]


Former Bampton ringer and branch Ringing Master Steve recently lost his final battle with cancer. Steve Goddard 1958-2018:  Bellringer and so much more ….. Steve first appeared at a Monday night practice in Bampton in 2001.  He was […]


Many thanks to Hazel Howarth for organising a successful and enjoyable Ducklington outing on Saturday 14th July. 2018 Ducklington Outing Schedule
Stanton Harcourt were the hosts this year. Although they were unfortunately unable to enter a team, Jane Eagle laid on a fabulous ringers’ tea for the competitors from 5 local towers. On a lovely June evening in the glorious […]


An 80th birthday compliment to The Right Honourable The Baroness Cox of Queensbury, ringer at St Mary’s Witney. Bell Board


Witney Practice joined by Kidlington and City branch Witney ringers were joined by ringers from Kidlington and other OCB towers as well as our regular friends from Ducklington and South Leigh for an enjoyable practice for all levels […]


The funeral of Mary Douglas will be held at Bladon on 12th April at 13:00.